Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Soccer Camp '08

I don't have a kid old enough to go to soccer camp but going to watch our friend's kids play is a highlight of summer. We have been going since Ivy was born to cheer on Ty, Jaden and Gavin. It is fun to see everyone from church and just sit and visit while we watch the kids. As you can see below, Ivy has warmed up real nicely with her future husband (arranged marriages people.)....we need to talk about the smooching. It was also a treat this year that my friend Tracy was there and had a daughter at camp. It's been fun.

On a side note....I haven't been really good at blogging lately. I will try to do better. Alot has been happening in the fost adopt world. Nothing really to share yeat and Ivy is still my only child. We have said yes a couple of times to take a child /baby and it hasn't panned out. We have also said no a couple of times. That can be hard on the soul when your desire is to have another child in the home...But...God is good and I know he loves and protects our family. Thanks for your prayers.


Kelli I. said...

Love you, Kelli. What's going on with Ivy and that little cutie? Don't rule Ben out as possible husband material just b/c we're in Chicago!

Abouttime said...

We love reading what is happening down South and wishing we could be there to soak it in in person. Thanks for blogging and including the pictures... we love you all.