Saturday, April 12, 2008

Children of the World

Matt and I had the opportunity to house 2 orphan girls, ages 10 and 11yrs. One was from the Phillipines and one was from India. It was an amazing experience. They travel with a singing group that tours the US. They were at Master's and Hollie called to ask if we would house them. How can we say no to orphans? They were the most polite girls! They called me Auntie and would thank me for everything and always hug me. They were a big blessing. Ivy and I went to hear them sing at Master's and I cried through the whole thing. They had such a pure worship of the Lord. They have lost their parents (most of the kids, through HIV )and they still talk about their love for Jesus and how thankful they are to Him for what they have. It sure puts things into perspective to listen to them. It was a wonderful experience.


Kelli I. said...

Thank you for sharing about these dear girls. Although orphaned on earth, they are Children of God. What a blessing that they love the Lord and are thankful for what they do have. I am encouraged that you and Matt took these children into your home. I'm sure that they had such a great time and that they will never forget you and your family.