Monday, June 23, 2008

Not Our Best Day (Potty Training Day 1)

start of the day with fresh undies.
she has never done this before but she chose to wet her bed right as I was getting the undies out of her drawer
Her 8th pair of undies today. (9 potty accidents. One was a poo poo that I stepped in and it was sticking to my foot. )
Bored and Playing
Mad that she wasn't getting any M&M's. Gotta go...another accident! Pray for me....By the way, I took everyone's advice. I have been setting the timer every 25 minutes and we sit there for about 10 minutes. I am still in my PJ's from this morning!


Happy Hollie said...

Perseverance sister! I love it and am praying for you!!

cathy said...

I literally sat in the bathroom with Molly for 1 and 1/2 hours before she peed!! This happened for 2 days before everything clicked with her!! Nothing like bonding time with your daughter huh!!??

Swimwife said...

Oh Kelli It is not fun!!! Hang in there:) love ya

Anonymous said...

You will totally get there, Kelli!! Ivy won't go to Kindergarten in diapers! :)