Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Much News

Ok...Sissy is crawling alot! I find her in the most interesting places. She also is drooling like crazy! I think she is getting more teeth because she has a runny nose, drools and doesn't sleep very well. I think that Ivy takes pain better than her. I didn't know that my camera would capture the drool hanging off her chin. Sorry!
I had the DCFS social worker come today. She told me that the grandparents have not been doing what they are supposed to to get the baby back. That is unbelievable to me. They want a different way of doing things than what the Judge has ordered. So...they will either get her on December 23 or it will be drawn out again. Wouldn't it be funny if the Lord used the grandma's stubborness to let us adopt this baby. I still think she is leaving us but you never know. Please continue to pray. I ran into a lady from Colorado last night who said she reads the blog and has been praying for us. That means so much!


Cherie Baker Vann said...

yay yay yay!! and I DON'T think she will be taken :) God is cracking me up right now!! PS when are we going to have that dinner? :)

Kelli said...

Cherie, let's shoot for December.

Unknown said...

oh a little hope is good!!

praying!!! love you guys!

Wendy Penberthy said...

she is such a cutie, i need to see her and give her smooches!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seriously unbelievable!! Can't believe how well Sissy is sitting up in that picture..she is SO cute!! We miss you guys this week!