Monday, December 31, 2007

Like Mother....Like Daughter

First of all....Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Here's a cute story.....On Sunday, I went to pick Ivy up from the nursery. Her teacher, Elisabeth, said,"I hope I'm not in trouble but Ivy kept taking my hand and leading me over to the box of donuts (that are for the nursery workers), she kept asking for a donut (even though she had breakfast at home before church)so...I took her and we hid in the corner while she ate the donut, then we give the children 2 crackers during nursery but she kept asking for more so...while the other children had 2 crackers, I gave Ivy 4." I took Ivy and walked away shaking my head....I have no idea where she gets that behavior from! Hee Hee! Happy New Year!


Happy Hollie said... mother like daughter.
I wonder where she gets her loud voice from too.

Kelli I. said...

I'm so sad that I didn't get to see Ivy last week! It sounds like she had a great Birthday and Christmas. I can't believe that she is already 2! Kel~ I wish we could've spent more time together while I was in CA (it just got so busy for us both). I miss you and will talk with you soon.
