Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sarah and Ivy

We love Sarah! Sarah is Ivy's babysitter and today was her last day before Christmas vacation. Since Ivy's birthday is Christmas Eve, Sarah brought her birthday and Christmas presents. (Which was so nice of her and she didn't have to do). Ivy opened up her Birthday presents with Sarah. She got a Disney camera and a "My Little Pony". Sarah said that she was taking pictures like crazy!
Words cannot express how much we love Sarah and are so thankful for her. It is great to be able to leave your child with someone that you trust and who loves your daughter.
Sarah, we will miss you and see you after break! Have fun at home in Canada!
P.S. I didn't quite get around to brushing Ivy's hair today. Oops!


Happy Hollie said...

I love Sarah too!

Wendy Penberthy said...

The top picture of Ivy opening up her gift is SO cute, you can tell she is so into it!! Love her!!

KV said...
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