Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fost- Adopt Update

Here is the lastest. We thought that we were all done but they found out that we need to have an extra set of finger prints done for the FBI. It is a pain! This step takes the longest so I have no idea how long it is going to take to get certified.

I was going to get frustrated but then it occured to me that my baby isn't ready for my yet. If they were, I would be certified. It is so reasuring to know that God already knows who my children are. I just have to rely on His Providential control of our situation.

Here is Jerry Bridges definition of God's Providence. "God's orchestrating all cirumstances and events in His universe for His glory and the good of His people." So basically, He is in control of it all. That gives me comfort.

One thing that makes me sad is that with fost-adopt, something bad needs to happen for the court to take the child away. I don't want any of my kids to go through that....but again God is in control! I will keep you posted!


Nancy said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Kelli I. I hope you don't mind me reading your blog.

We had to do fingerprints through the FBI for our adoption (international), and it took about a month for the clearance to come back.

I also have several friends who have foster adopted. Many of their children were removed from their families, not due to abuse towards the children but because of life choices the parents made outside of the home. The scenario is still a sad one, but not all children in the foster care system are victims abuse.

Most families who choose foster adoption don't wind up on Dateline, 20/20 or make headline news. Only the horror stories do. (Which is where all the negative publicity on foster adoption comes from). It would be nice if the news would highlight the positives more than the negatives, but that does not get them high ratings. Sigh... :0(

Sad thing is that the public 'educates' themselves from these TV programs and the poor children are then become victims of ignorant stereotypes. =0(

Good thing God is in control and is the center of your marriage and family. His goodness has brought down these walls of prejudice and stereotypes in your hearts and any child will be blessed to be in your home.

I look forward to following your adoption journey and praying for your family.


"God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”

(2 Timothy 1:7)

Unknown said...

Kelli - i loved this post - you are right - God is in charge. It's so good to rest in that isn't it? Praying for you.. Tracy

Ashley Kostjuk said...

Hi my friend...we are praying for you and Matt as well as Ivy during this waiting period. Her little face in this picture is precious. You certainly waited for her and she was worth every minute of waiting and trusting in our faithful Lord. I'm praying for all your hearts as you wait in this next phase. I love you, Kel.

Wendy Penberthy said...

I love those lips in that pic of Ivy! Kel, we are always praying for you guys.... you are being so patient in waiting for your baby. I cannot wait to meet him or her soon!! love you