Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fost Adopt Update #4

I am not sure what was supposed to happen in court today but DCFS recommended that the grandparents not be given the baby and the court agreed. I think that means for just right now but that is still a victory. One of the social workers said that she thinks that the grandparents are not going to get the baby, even if they want her. She said that the birthmom might want her but she has ALOT to do if she wants to get her back.

I know that alot can change but I feel like the Lord gave me a glimpse of hope. We will keep right on trusting in Him. Little Sissy is all smiles and trying to goo goo ga ga at us. She is so precious and we truly love her already. I asked her today if she wanted me to be her mom and she smiled. I think she wants to keep me!

Please continue to join us in prayer.


Kelli I. said...

Tell "Little Sissy" that she has a lot of people praying for her and that she is so loved.

We are rejoicing that you had a glimmer of HOPE today. God is so good.

Anonymous said...

That's great news and probably gave you the encouragement you needed. Praying for the Lord's continued guidance and strength! I am excited to start spending time with your sweet little girls next week!

Cherie Baker Vann said...

hey kelli, got your note on my blog - I know, seriously, how on earth have we never met? I was talking (blogging) with your sister on adoption (don't know her either, but Jenny Mc talks so highly of both of you!!) I'm so excited to read the updates on what God is doing with this little one! Congrats, you are so blessed! And yes, we should meet! ha