Sunday, January 13, 2008

End of Week One

Well....I thought that it would help me if I charted my total body makeover progress. And....I lost 2 pounds this week! I hit my stride with working out and I stayed on my diet plan all but one day. I actually lost a little more than 2 pounds because i got sick and was in bed until this morning. I am only counting two unless some creeps back when I start eating normal.

Matt was such a blessing this weekend. He kept Ivy busy while I stayed in bed. I would hear her yell ,"Bye Mom!"everytime he would take her somewhere. I wish I could have had my camera because she went and got her pink dodger baseball cap to wear becuase her dad was wearing his (Matt's wasn't pink). She is a girl who loves her daddy! He needs to go back to work just to rest. He even did my nursery duty at church today! I love him!


Happy Hollie said...

I love him too! Best brother in law EVER!

Kelli I. said...

Who doesn't love Matt? Ivy is a blessed little girl to have such a great daddy!