Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Mo Chee"

After an hour at the dinner table because "someone" would not swallow her eggs.....after an hour of dicipline...I mean Biblical Correction......that " someone" needed a bath. As she was having so much fun in the tub, I went and got my camera. She kept saying "Chee Mommy" (Her version of cheese.) After I put my camera away, she kept saying "Mo Chee, Mo Chee Mommy ". So I had to take one "mo chee" once she got her jammies on. In less than one hour we went from tears and total frustration to "chee" bliss. Nigh Night!


Happy Hollie said...

Hollie heart Ivy!

Wendy Penberthy said...

Ivy, you look like such a big girl. We miss you! Kate can't wait to come home and play with your kitchen with you. Love you!!